SensorGateway LED display

edited March 2014 in InfraSensing Sensors
Product name;

SensorGateway x1

External Temperature and Humidity Probe x2

Installation set up is going well.

However, I have a question. Today I restarted them by stopping the power supply. There are two probes connected to the SensorGateway.

Now on the SensorGateway LED display and MIB information, Ext1 and Ext2 are displayed opposite way.

Are there any way to make them fix to the following, so every time it is restarted they are giving the same label. so we don’t get confused.

Probe 1 -> Ext1

Probe 2 -> Ext2

Thank you very much for your help.


  • Smarttech.JAPANSmarttech.JAPAN
    I connected sensors exactly the same model on Probe1 Probe2 to SensorGateway.

    Sometimes when they are restarted, Sensor Status display order is changed.

    How do they detect sort order for probe1 and probe2?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    What's the firmware version of the SensorGateway used?
  • Smarttech.JAPANSmarttech.JAPAN
    The firmware is using 4.0.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Please attach a screenshot of how the sensors are being displayed the opposite way
  • Smarttech.JAPANSmarttech.JAPAN
    We plugged probes with the order as the following. As a result the display and MIB changed. I would like to know the reason why.

    Probe1 Port --> SensorA

    Probe2 Port --> SensorB

    then unplugged both of probes, and plugged on different ports,

    Probe1 Port --> SensorB

    Probe2 Port --> SensorA

    I want the display and MIB to stay the same as the following even when probes are plugged on another port and other one on another port.

    Probe1 --> mib1

    Probe2 --> mib2




  • AdministratorAdministrator
    This is by design. The SNMP agent here is the SensorGateway and not the sensor probes. And whatever's connected to the SensorGateway's probe ports, there will the OID's be associated. So the OID association is not on a per-sensor basis but on a per-port basis from the SensorGateway.

    For the display on the web page, it should be arranged according to the port number. The lower port on the top and the higher on the bottom. Please be sure of the port numbers as port 1 is on the right and 2, on the left.
  • Smarttech.JAPANSmarttech.JAPAN
    I understood that it is the design.

    However when we restarted SensorGateway, OID sensor on SNMP Manager have swapped around without unplugging anything.

    Are there any ideas what caused this to happen?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    And how often does that occur?
  • Smarttech.JAPANSmarttech.JAPAN
    It occurred on one of our client's environment once and on our company office equipment environment occurred once. It doesn't occur every time being restarted.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    I see. This could probably be due to some sort of interruptions done upon upgrading the firmware or even upon downloading it. In order to prevent this so, I'd suggest first redownloading the firmware then reupgrading the SensorGateway.
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