ORACLE and FILEAGE check problem after up

I upgraded SC from 8.8.4. to 8.8.5 and my rules for checkin ORACLE and FILEAGE stopped to work ( they are not able to give any returned valu, allways 60 second timeout ). I am not able to create any new rules like that.

Please any idea, what could be the problem ?


  • dvoratdvorat
    Finally it is impossible to do test for any new created rule. Allways 60 second timeout. No matter what rule it is ( PING, WINHEALTH, ... )
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Run webserver in debug mode, click on TEST SETTINGS and reply with output
  • dvoratdvorat
    So I solve this. I used registry hack from SC pages and reupdate my SC server. After this it is working fine.

    It looks like some trouble during the first update.
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