admin account and scan

I am testing the server software and added an admin account in the config which has admin access to the server.

The service on the XP monitoring pc still runs under the Local System account so I'm not sure what this admin accout does.

When I do a scan on a new device the browser crashes or it does't come up with anything to monitor because of connection denied.

Any ideas?


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    As per user manual, the ServersCheck service has to run under the admin account and not local system account if you want to do remote monitoring of Windows system. The Local System Account prevents a service from going to the network.

    What browser are you using? Firefox 4+ ?
  • lancelance
    I am using IE8. If I need to manually set the service account then what is the admin account setup for?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Please use Firefox and setup the service to run under Admin account.
  • lancelance
    Yep already did that. I just wondered what the Configure Serverscheck Administrator does and if it was related to the account it runs usder.
  • lancelance
    Scanning still doesn't work for any server I have tried. I can log onto the server with that same account so I know it should work fine.

    Most times when I run a scan I get an error that s-scan.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.
  • ANy suggestions on the scanning? We are considering purchasing this application for our servers so I hope these issues can be resolved.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    The scanning does just a port scanning - if it fails on your network, then I would manually add the monitors.
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