Monitor outgoing smtp on another machine

I need to monitor outgoing SMTP on a machine which is not the machine running serverscheck.

Can I do this somehow by port or ???

Can't try sending email because it wouldn't come from the email server, it would come in from the IP of the machine running serverscheck.

Basically, at certain times, the target machine is unable to send emails from itself, so I am trying to monitor that.


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Create the SMTP check and enter the IP address of the remote system on which the SMTP server runs
  • pcs800pcs800
    But then the check would be coming from the IP of the machine that runs serverscheck, I need it to originate from
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    That is not possible unless you install ServersCheck on the same host running the SMTP server
  • pcs800pcs800
    Yep, I know. I just thought there might be an add-on or a 3rd party app that SC could talk to on that machine on a different port or something.
  • archiearchie
    meaning we cannot monitor SMTP to a remote machine to an existing SC?
  • pcs800pcs800
    No, you CAN do that, but not using the machines internal interface (
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