
Im currently configuring the VM for health checks, but i face problem while doing it, it takes more than 30 minutes to scan and another 30 for testing, why it so?


  • archiearchie

    I have another issue encounter, the CPU Thred and Memory Thred are very high, I have remove some of the services and run only environmetal check but CPU threds still way up high, any suggestion for fixing?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    What release and version are you using?
  • archiearchie
    VMware ESx 4.1
  • archiearchie
    VMware 4.1 Release 2604247
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    I was referring to the monitoring software. Which version and edition are you using?
  • archiearchie
    Appliance ServersCheck

    Business 250 Edition Version 9.0.13

  • archiearchie

    another thing is when im trying to configure their VM in the Serverscheck Appliance it always hang the Appliance.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Can you please run the web server in debug mode and send us the debug output when it hangs.

  • archiearchie

    It hangs only when Im trying to configure the VM into the ServersCheck, if you will not configure VM in the Serverscheck Appliance then it will not hang.
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