Creating graphs


I do not understand how Serverscheck creates the graphs for Now,daily, months... - I have always problems with that created graphs:

If a have to restart the service or restart the Server the values for he graphs are lost - so I get some gaps in the weekly and monthly graphs.

Why does this happen?


PS: the best way to create the graphs (weekly, monthly) would read the values from the database!


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    We use the RRD engine for graphing. The values are not lost unless of course you delete the *.rrd files.

    Make sure that the check interval is not larger than the graph interval defined in your Admin section.
  • madrianrmadrianr
    ok - but the *.rrd files are still present in the serverscheck_databases folder.

    But these files are always 24kb not larger - sould they become not larger for the time (more data)?

    maybe the problem ist the ServersCheck_Monitoringgraphsqueue folder where normaly more that 32.000 files are present - these folder is now empty.

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    If you turn off the s-graphs.exe component (by killing it in the task manager), does the queue folder grow (in terms of number of files)?
  • madrianrmadrianr
    Yes, after killing the s-graphs.exe there are some files (grow now) in that folder!

    but these goes up to 32.000 and more - why these are so much files?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Ok restart the ServersCHeck Monitoring Service to restart the graphing component; this means that the graphing process works fine.

    The queue folder are job files created for the graphing component and include the update of data, plotting of charts. So this means that for each check a file is created in the folder and for each graph as well (per check 32 graphs)

    To understand how the graphing tool works, I recommend to read the link in the help file that explains this module.

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