Page loading problems

My system seems to be having trouble displaying pages correctly. If I click the (for example) "Group View" option from a remote machine it never seems to load the page fully. If I press the refresh button it then loads. It works fine from the local host.

Anyone with any ideas ?


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    We have found an issue in 6.0.3 of lost packets.

    The issue is fixed and will be released along with many other new features as 6.1.0 on Monday January 30th.
  • MartynKMartynK
    Well I have just upgraded and it does not seem to have fixed the issue. Any more ideas ?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Then it must be a different issue.

    Are you running ServersCheck on a dedicated system or shared?
  • MartynKMartynK
    The machine is my dev web server but its not that busy. Its only checking three machines. The remote machine is on the same lan so its not an internet issue.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    If your machine is remotely accessible, then please login to the helpdesk and send login details of your machine to tech support team so that we can try and see what is going on.
  • MartynKMartynK
    This machine is not on the web. Anything I can go look for ?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Without seeing it, I can't tell much from here - it's like flying blind.

  • MartynKMartynK
    A total reinstall has fixed the problem. I removed everything, reinstalled and recreated all of my rules by hand and all seems to work now.

    Thanks anyway.
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