Running Configuration Server as Service

I have another Problem.

The Serverscheck wont running as Service.

If I logged into Server and click on the desktop-icon "ServersCheck_Monitoring" an icon is prompt in the systray. > I can start the serverscheck website from another pc.

But If I logged out from the server > I cannot start the serverscheck website from another pc.

I've opened the "Service Configuration Tool" and checked the flag "Service start with windows" under "Local System" but nothing happened.


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    The Configuration Service is a different service that needs to be started. It can not be started when the desktop mode has been started.

    Name of the service: "ServersCheck Configuration Service"
  • tc_thuntc_thun
    Hmm, ok

    But what should I do to open the serverscheck webinterface without logged in to server?

    "ServersCheck Configuration Service" is started
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    1/ Stop Configuration Server Service

    2/ Make sure that there is no component of the s-server.exe running (typically when started from desktop) - Windows Task Manager -> kill s-server.exe if present

    3/ Start Configuration Server Service
  • tc_thuntc_thun
    Thank you for your help. It works :o)
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