I have browsed throught some of the forums but have been unable to find the answer that I am looking for...

Does ServersCheck support SNMPv2? I know that MIB Browser does, but does ServersCheck Monitor? I have some equipment that only uses SNMPv2 and I would like to monitor them if possible.




  • AdministratorAdministrator
    SNMPv2 is no problem in the Monitoring Software as long as the returned value is numeric or sysUptime.

    SNMPv3 is not yet supported.
  • eric.krumeric.krum
    The value that I am trying to retrieve is numeric, however, the Monitoring software is unable to obtain the value.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    What error are you getting.

    If you use the SNMP browser from ServersCheck, have you used the same OID and settings?
  • eric.krumeric.krum
    I apologize for a delay in my response...

    Yes. When I use the SNMP browser from ServersCheck, I am able to query the device and return the proper value. However, when I add the information into ServersCheckPro software, it can't seem to communicate with the device.
  • eric.krumeric.krum
    The actual error message is as follows:

    The check has been performed.

    Status: DOWN?

    Error returned: Couldn't retrieve value for OID

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    MIB Browser works: are you talking about the ServersCheck MIB Browser?

    What is the actual OID?
This discussion has been closed.