Port 1272 fails


We've bought the Enterprise MX2 license.We're running the version 6.3.2 in a Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition.

We've installed the software and when we start the Servers Check and we try to see a rule, it always shows THE PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED and if we check the ports listenings (netstat command) we see that the 1272 ports fallsuntil we restart the computer. If we start the monitoring without touch anything else, the program works but as soon as we try to create a new rule or editing an existing, the program fails.

Why???? We tested the trial version without any problem and now that we've bought the product it doesn't work. We don't have any other software installed on the server (we don't use ISA proxyes or something like this).




  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Please run the s-server.exe in debug mode and reply with the output.

    All the features of an MX2 edition are included in the trial version (the license key just unlocks the features). So there must be something you are doing different

    To run in debug mode:

    0/ Make sure the ServersCheck Configuration service is not running

    1/ Go to command prompt

    2/ Go to the ServersCheck directory

    3/ Type in the command prompt

    "s-server.exe > debuglog.txt"

    4/ Repeat the steps causing it to fail and then reply with the content of the debug log.txt

    You have installed the software in what language?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Issue has been resolved.

    A bug was discovered in release 6.3.2 (Configuration Server) that causes the configuration server to exit for "URL" type of checks.

    A fix is currently being prepared and will be available within the next hour.
This discussion has been closed.