Bezugsquelle des letzten 5.x-UpDates

Hallo und einen wunderschönen Guten Tag!

Wir bin in Besitz der folgenden Lizenzen:

- Enterprise Version (5.x)

- Enterprise MX2 (5.x)

- Enterprise MX4 (5.x)

Aktuell setzen wir die Version ServersCheck 5.3.3 ein.

Eine Aktualisierung auf die Version 6.x ist leider erst in

der Mitte des Jahres geplant.

Trotzdem möchten wir unsere vorhandene Installation

- soweit es die Lizenzrechte erlauben- pflegen und ak-


Leider bieten Sie (augenscheinlich) nur ein Download

für die Version 6.x an.

Können Sie mir bitte eine Bezugsquelle nennen, von der

ich das letzte und aktuellste UpDate für die Version 5.x

erhalten kann?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen!


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Dear customer,

    What the little information you provided, I could not track back your original order and as a result I am giving following generic information.

    As long as a customer has a support agreement, upgrades are free of charge to any version. For example from 5.3.X to 5.8.X

    You obtained a license key valid for the version you had at the time of purchase and where pricing is valid for any 5.X (meaning that we have fixed prices for that version).

    As stated in all emails with license instructions, ServersCheck does not provide older versions available for download (mainly due to third party licensing restrictions). Upon purchase you have the option to obtain the software on a CD and if not chosen, then you have to take backups of the software yourself.
  • symainsymain

    Thanks for your Information.

    Please, can you give me an E-Mail-Adress, were I can

    send some informations about qur Licenses?

    Because we have an lot of enterprise-versions for a lot

    of servers, i hope you support qur questions.

    Thank you very much!
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Regarding licensing please email to:

    sales [at]

    Email answered and ticket closed
This discussion has been closed.