Trouble connecting to MS SQL Server

When I try to do a check on a MS SQL 2000 Database, I always get the error :

[17] [] "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server doesn`t exist or access denied."

The target system has no firewall and there ist no access restriction on the database. Authentication is set to Windows + SQL.

We have several SQL servers but I havent been able to connect to any of them for a check.

As the help for the correct connection string format isn`t any help at all, I`m still not sure, if this is the problem.

I modify the template this way:

Driver={SQL Server}; Server=(servername or IP); Database=production; UID=administrator; PWD=xxx;

The servers are all part of a domain and I tried different logon credentials.

What has to be checked to be sure checks work with MS SQL 2000 ?


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Errors returned by other vendors' systems should be checked with the vendor (in this case Microsoft).

    I am assuming that you might be using Windows logon to connect to a SQL server. The above string is not for that: it is for a named user account.

    If you aren't using Windows logo to connect to SQL server, then I suggest you look at this knowledge base entry from Microsoft:
  • pulmerpulmer
    Auth methods for the server are windows logon AND sql logon. I also tried both types of credentials to log on with no success so far. What troubles me is, that the applications connecting to the server don`t have any problem at all.

    I`ll try to figure out what`s going on tomorrow. Thanks for the hint with the knowledge base. I`m a little bit confused now, as I thought there would be a standard way to connect to an MS SQL database on a normal server installation.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    It is your MS SQL driver that returns the error:

    Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server doesn`t exist or access denied

    We use SQL server in our demo environment and this is the connection string:

    Driver={SQL Server}; Server=<SQL_SERVER>; Database=<DATABASE NAME>; Uid=<SQL LOGIN>; Pwd=<SQL PASSWORD>

    Plenty of users are also using SQL server

    Make sure not to put the server name between ( )
  • pulmerpulmer
    So easy, when you know how... the ( ) were the problem. I should have come to this conclusion myself *blush*

    Anyway everythings working now! Thanks for the quick help. Perhaps it`s possible to give examples for special checks like these in a future version of the helpfile.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    We will add it to our knowledge base.
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