Im Lost on how the device/groups/rules wo

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Hi, i have just down loaded an eval and a little confused on how this works.I have created a group call Test, ive added some devices in and made some rules, all good so far.

Now where i get lost is on the following.

Can i associate a rule to a group?i think yes cause i have the option when i create the rule.

Can i associate a rule to a device?yes again i see that as an option in the rule.

Can i associate a device to a group? This i cant figure out.

and i right in thinking that you can associate a rule to a group?then associate a device to that group? and by default all devices in that group will start monitoring the rules i associated with the group?

help would be appreciated as i would like to purchase this product and some sensors as well




  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Rules are linked to a device and to a group. There is no link between groups and devices.

    For example a group could be "public website checks" and another "web server system checks" Each of those groups have checks linked to the same systems but for a different check type.

    That is why we have created no link between devices and groups
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