Problem with PROCESS checks

[Deleted User][Deleted User]
I am evaluating version 6.6.1. When I adding a process check on a remote computer (using the domainadministrator account) and then click the test button, the test is performed well and the process shows as running. The I save the rule/configuration and after this, the process shows as not running, even though I'm sure it is running.

When then clicking the label to see the configuration, the processname and login details are gone. Only the host-field is still filled. I've checked it on two completely seperate machines with the same result.


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    1/ Make sure that the ServersCheck Monitoring Service runs under an account that has sufficient access rights to the remote machine. When clicking Test Settings, it uses your current Windows account but when running as a service, it does not.

    2/ I have been able to replicate the issue. I passed it on to our development as a high priority issue.

    I expect to have feedback later today regarding it.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    The issue has been resolved.

    It was related to changes in the code of release 6.6.1

    You can download a fix from following url:

    Replace your original s-server.exe with the attached one.

    The fix included in above file will be part of our 6.6.3 release.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]
    Thanks for the quick resolution. However, it seems that now all details (processname, login-name) are stored except for the password, so the problem remains. Can you please take another look at this ?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Are you sure? I tested the build and it works just fine.

    Following fields are stored:

    host name, process name, username, password
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]
    I've tried it on the two different machines, and both machines keep the process name and login name, but when looking at the controi-rule, the password field is empty and the check does not work.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Can you clarify: "controi-rule"?

    I think I got it: it happens when editing the rule, not when adding it. I will see if I can quickly grab a developer before he leaves for today.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    We have uploaded a new version. In debug mode (so when you run the s-server.exe from command prompt and not via the service) it will output what it stores.

    Download url:
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