Tests show results ok

Tests show results ok.. still status is marked red. How can we rectify that ,.... Tests are on disk/mem and bandwidth.


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Status is marked red means it is DOWN. It would help if you would state the error message in your post.

    This is a bit too vague.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Any news?
  • madan.serverchkmadan.serverchk
    Test shows ok... error is

    x.x.x.x : Connection is forcefully rejected

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    "Connection is forcefully rejected" this error message indicates that the service can not connect to the remote computer (either prevented by the host or the remote host).

    As you know (explained in earlier support posts to you), there is a difference between the configuration server and the monitoring service. When clicking on test settings, you are using the account under which you are logged in. Once starting monitoring, it is the Monitoring Service account that is being used. As per help file you need to make sure that the account under which the Monitoring Service runs, has sufficient rights to

    A) to be able to to use network connections

    B) to connect to remote computers
  • madan.serverchkmadan.serverchk
    First of all... most of the servers monitored are linux boxes.

    Thank you for your prompt help as always. The error got resolved... mysteriously.

    x.x.x.x : Connection is forcefully rejected which was showing in many of the servers had x.x.x.x; an IP neither the monitoring box nor the server linux boxes.. but another IP on the same network.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Ok I got it, it is CPU linux check.

    This means that the Linux Agent is not responding or the ServersCheck software is unable to connect to the Linux agents
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