Performance questions

I am running 6.4.3 on a W2K 2-cpu VM Partition. The CPU is constantly running between 75-100% even immediately after a reboot. The memory usage appears to be okay. It just seems like the processor can't keep up.

Where can I find benchmark results on Servercheck, recommended platform, cpu, memory, etc? Are there any steps to take that will improve Serverscheck's performance?



  • AdministratorAdministrator
    First of all ServersCheck needs to run on a dedicated machine as per requirements.

    Second performance depends on the number of checks defined and at what frequency

    Third some items like graphing can have an impact on performance. See release notes for changes done on that topic since 6.4.3

    Also you will find in the knowledge base some articles for turning some graphing features at that might impact it.

    Now that is of course assuming that the "rrdtool.exe" is the one using a lot of CPU. The task manager on your machine should give you more input on it.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Fourth point, I would also recommend upgrading to a higher version (provided you have a support agreement). 6.4.3 is about 5 months old.
  • Very good.

    I will purchase a dedicated server to run Serverscheck. Where can I find benchmarking information? How do I know how big of server I need if I have 50 servers to monitor? 100? 200?

    I am not running running graphing due to performance problems. I'd like to in the future if I can find the right server to run this.

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Graphing: see release notes and changes done in that aspect

    Hardware recommendations:

    Personally I would recommend at least 1GB RAM

    In terms of CPU: ServersCheck will use all resources it can and if that means 100% then that means 100%. It would be ridicolous of not using capacity that is availabe when required to do what you defined. Wouldn't it?

    In terms buying a new machine: try and run it on one you have in the office before doing so.

    Performance depends a lot on factors like: type of checks, frequency, network layout etc...

    It can perfectly be that one installation will work with the same config much quicker in one network than in another one.

    When using Windows based checks, you could for example think of using SNMP rather than the native Windows based checks since on a protocol level they are less demanding (something your network admin should be able to tell/confirm you)
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