30.000 handles??

Hi there,

I am evaluating the ServersCheck monitoring software. I am monitoring just one website and one SQL database.

I am running the software on my own PC. After some time I experience weird behaviour in Windows: I can't start up anymore apps, parts of open applications don't start up.

Using Proccess Explorer I found the culprit. The s-service.exe has 30.000 handles open. That is ten times as much as Visual Studio 2005 for instance.

Restarting the service clears the open handles. After about a week there are again 30.000 open handles.

It is appears to me that s-service.exe is not releasing handles causing starvation.

Am I really the only one who is experiencing this??


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    It would help if you could indicate what version you have installed.

    As far as being the only reporting it, yes we have no reports of such behavior from other users.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    We have been able to simulate it and found the issue of handle leaks.

    The issue has been fixed in the s-service.exe

    You can download the fix from following url:

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