Page could not be displayed

I am using ServersCheck 7.0.2.

When I create an additional user to access serverscheck than this user cannot drill down the device properties. The following error message is shown:

The page cannot be found

Even when I set all possible rights for the new user, it does not differ

Do you have a solution for this ?


  • trevorwtrevorw
    If this is from another machine accessing ht eServers Check machine through IE I had and still have exactly the same issue.
  • jacobsenmjacobsenm
    Same issue happens on different machines and also using firefox.
  • trevorwtrevorw
    If you go to the Servers Check machine and use the IP address of the box instead of or localhost have the same issue. If so then this is eaxctly the sam eissue as mine which I have battled on and found ways round it for now.
  • jacobsenmjacobsenm
    Indeed, when I do the same on the SC machine using the IP address, than the same issue happens. .... Page cannot be displayed.

    You are telling that you have a way to fix this ? or do I understand this incorrectly ..
  • trevorwtrevorw
    Sadly Not
  • jacobsenmjacobsenm
    Ok thanks for the reply.

    So this should be a thing that the Admin of ServersCheck should resolve ....

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    It has been forwarded to our development team for further analysis
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Issue has been solved and will come in the 7.0.4 (scheduled for next week)
  • jacobsenmjacobsenm
    Good. Thanks for the quick fix
  • trevorwtrevorw
    Many Thanks
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