Monitoring rule label empty after change


At the moment I test the 7.5.1 Trail and I have a strange behavior.

The field "Monitoring rule label" are empty after a had change something in the alert settings for the rule.

The Dashboard shows the Rule name as number.

Do anyone know what are the problem?


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    The number is the Unique Identifier for a rule. If no rule label is present, then it shows the Unique Identifier.

    Edit the rule and then save the rule label.

    You first need to save the settings prior to changing alert settings or otherwise changes are lost.
  • Yes, I know that this is the Unique Identifier.

    But the change was for an exiting rule. I have edit the alert settings for the rule. After I have save the settings for the alert the name is empty. I can reproduce this.

    And also the setting for the alert are not saved! If I open the alert settings my changes are not shown.

    But the changes are viewed in the Dashboard with no label under Type it showes me my changes what I have add in the alert settings.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    It seems that your serverscheck.conf file could be corrupt.

    You can download the default serverscheck.conf from following url:

  • If I exchange the serverscheck.conf file with the default one I lose all rules.

    The problem appears everytime I change the field "Instructions on alert:" I fillin two rows



    Contact: John Do, Tel:

    For me I seems that the ENTER makes the problem. In the conf file the line for these check make also a line break.

    As result I have a line that begins with "Contact: John Do ...."
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Thanks for reporting this. I will pass it on to our development team.

    Open the serverscheck.conf and remove the line break.
  • KauerKauer
    The same Problem was for the acknowledge POP UP
  • After removing the line break it works but without the label. So I must assign it again.

    To explain what I will assign to the field "Instructions on alert:" is e.g.

    Type of Notification: PROBLEM

    Service: ServiceName

    Servername: APPSERV


    Status: CRITICAL

    in separated lines

  • KauerKauer
    Write your Infos in a new Text Document and copy the Text then paste in to the Instructions Field
  • Thanks I have try it but with no luck. Also I have try HTML tacks <br>
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Copy paste your serverscheck.conf file without any passwords visible
  • Here the serverscheck.conf file

    ADMIN note: file received and removed from forum for privacy reasons.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    We have imported your serverscheck.conf file and all rules with labels are visible in the All Rule View
  • Correct, this not the problem I have fix the conf file.

    The problem is that I couldn't apply line breaks in the field

    "Instructions on alert:"

    And in the field "Email body" under "SMTP Alert Settings" I can apply line breaks which are shown in the conf files as "n" but with no affect for the email.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    You have indeed identified a bug in the 7.5 release which we are going to address.
  • After update to 7.5.3 I assign an ENTER to field "Instructions on alert:" without lost my rule lable. Thanks.

    BUT now everytime you save the alert rule the rows between the lines are reduplicate.


    I fillin

    Notification: Warning

    Service: HOSTNAME PING Check

    Host: HOSTNAME

    IP: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn

    after 1. save

    Notification: Warning

    Service: HOSTNAME PING Check

    Host: HOSTNAME

    IP: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn

    after 2. save

    Notification: Warning

    Service: HOSTNAME PING Check

    Host: HOSTNAME

    IP: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn

    and so on ....

    The email that will send shows the note as below

    nNotification: Warning nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnService: HOSTNAME PING Check nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnHost: HOSTNAMEnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnIP: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
This discussion has been closed.